23 Jan The Stones of Moemoe and Wahine O Manua
At the south end of Outrigger Maui Eldorado Resort behind the tall hedge, lie two large brown pohaku, or stones, which are steeped in legend. Over six feet long, the larger of these is called Moemoe and resembles a reclining or sleeping person. Maui, the demigod, and Moemoe, a young man, were contemporaries. Unlike Maui, who was always a hard worker and respectful of others’ needs. Moemoe preferred to lie down at Keka’a and sleep for his own contentment. After returning from Haleakala, where he harnessed the sun to make it pass across the island more slowly, Maui found Moemoe asleep yet again. When Moemoe awoke, he mocked Maui’s efforts to improve life for others. Maui chased him uphill and down to the east of Pu’u Keka’a. Because of Moemoe’s taunts and laziness, Maui turned him into a stone, sleeping permanently on the side of the road.
The smaller stone has been the subject of several legends and two different names. The popular name is the Hiding Woman Stone (Pohaku o Wahine Pe’e) which relates to a love story between her and Moemoe, but we’ll tell the original legend of the abused, or fighting, woman (Wahine o Manua) who was hidden by the stone. She was a beautiful young woman who fled from her husband due to continual abuse. He and his warriors pursued her, and she ran into a sacrificial temple to elude them. After they moved on, she left the temple and ventured to the roadway where a guardian spirit owl, Pueo, appeared before her. Guided by Pueo’s flapping wings, she ran until she reached the large stone east of Keka’a, where the owl left her. The woman lay down sheltered by the stone and slept until morning, then departed in freedom. Both stones were uncovered when the Outrigger Maui Eldorado was being built.
Source: Ka’anapali Historical Trail & History and Legends Tour, Pip Holo Ka’ao (A well told tale travels far and wide)